1. (Cross posted from the Gmail blog)

    When we launched calling in Gmail back in August, we wanted it to be easy and affordable, so we made calls to the U.S. and Canada free for the rest of 2010. In the spirit of holiday giving and to help people keep in touch in the new year, we’re extending free calling for all of 2011.

    In case you haven’t tried it yet, dialing a phone number works just like a regular phone. Look for “Call phone” at the top of your Gmail chat list and dial a number or enter a contact’s name.

    To learn more, visit gmail.com/call. Calling in Gmail is currently only available to U.S. based Gmail users.

    Happy New Year and happy calling!

    Posted by Robin Schriebman, Software Engineer
  2. Since we launched Google Voice for iPhone a few weeks ago, we’ve been hard at work to add a few improvements that didn’t make it into the first release.

    At the top of the list was adding support for iPod Touch and iPad. Starting today, you can download a new version of Google Voice that lets you use all the features of the app on these devices, such as sending and receiving free text messages - except, of course, make cellular calls.

    While you can’t use your iPod or iPad as a phone, you can use it to initiate Google Voice calls with your phones. We call this feature Click2Call. Simply click any ‘Call’ button in the Google Voice app on your iPod or iPad and then select which of your phones you want to ring. Google Voice will call your phone and then connect your call.

    While we were at it, we also made a few other improvements to the app:
    • When you enable Push Notifications, we will automatically disable Text forwarding for you, so you won’t receive multiple notifications.
    • Want some quiet time? You can send all callers straight to voicemail by turning on Do not disturb in the Settings tab.
    • We made it easier for you to place calls from the address book by adding a dedicated Contacts button to the Dialer tab.
    • Sending text messages is now more streamlined since you don’t need to press the OK button anymore.
    Bonus Tip: Tap and hold messages in your inbox to archive or delete them.

    The Google Voice app is available to download from the Apple App Store today. You’ll need an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with iOS 3.1 or later and a valid Google Voice account to use the app. At this time, Google Voice is available in the U.S. only.

    Posted by Marcus Foster, Product Manager

  3. With two grown children, my mom decided that one perk of empty nesting (in addition to a lack of teenage angst and a lot less laundry) was canceling our complicated family cell phone plan. When she signed up for a new plan, she also mistakenly signed up for a new phone number. This new number, for whatever reason, was one she could never remember (“too many 7’s” she insisted).

    With Google Voice, my mom can choose a new number by selecting an area code and then searching for numbers or words that she likes (and can remember!) to make up the remaining 7 digits.

    To help my mom (and family members) everywhere, a few of us at Google created a website, TeachParentsTech.org, where “kids” of any age can send how-to videos to moms, dads, uncles - whomever! Here’s a video I made that walks you through how to select a new phone number with Google Voice:

    To browse through all of the videos or to send a tech support care package to your family, visit TeachParentsTech.org. Have a safe and happy holidays!

    Posted by Lauren Fraley, Google Voice Consumer Operations

  4. Growing up, December was always a favorite month of mine. School would let out for two weeks, snowflakes would start falling and I’d write my letter to Santa to remind him that I’d been especially good that year (and ask if he’d mind bringing me a few Ninja Turtles). He never answered those letters—he’s a busy guy, after all—but what if he could pick up the phone and call me instead? What if Santa had Google Voice and could easily call all the kids on his list?

    Well, this year he can—with your help. If you know a kid (of any age) who’d like to hear from Santa, create and send a personalized phone call from the jolly man in the red suit himself at sendacallfromsanta.com.

    There are hundreds of options to choose from, so you can send unique, customized phone calls to anyone you know, from your nieces and nephews to old college friends, over the phone (to U.S. numbers only) or via email, Facebook or Twitter.

    If you or your kids have a special request or message for Santa, you can leave him a message at his Google Voice number: 855-34-SANTA. Although he’s too busy to return messages himself, you can always create one on his behalf at the Send a Call From Santa site.

    Ready to spread some holiday cheer? Listen to a sample message, and visit sendacallfromsanta.com to send a message of your own.

    And don’t forget—if you want to keep up with Santa as he travels around the globe delivering presents on Christmas Eve, you can track his journey on Google Maps, on Google Earth with the plug-in and on your mobile phone, too.

    Posted by Michael Bolognino, Product Marketing Manager
  5. Keeping in touch with family during the holiday season can be challenging for anyone, but it’s especially difficult for military families with loved ones serving around the country or overseas.

    Gmail’s built in video chat and free calls to the U.S. and Canada can help keep friends and family in contact regardless of how far apart they may be. To make staying in touch this holiday season even easier for military families, we’re offering a $10 calling credit to help them reach their loved ones serving abroad.

    These international call credits can be used to make calls with Google Voice or from right inside Gmail, and will provide families with roughly 30 minutes of call time to Afghanistan, 60 minutes to Iraq, or hundreds of minutes to many countries in Europe and around the world.

    To make this possible, we’ve partnered with Blue Star Families and Sesame Street, two organizations dedicated to supporting service members and their families.

    Photo by Sesame Workshop, 2010

    To be eligible for $10 calling credits, military family members must:
    1. Be a member of either Blue Star Families or Sesame Street Family Connections — registration is free for all military families
    2. Provide their Gmail address
    3. Enable calling in Gmail and accept the terms of service OR have an existing Google Voice account
    4. Complete the registration form by December 22, 2010
    We recognize the sacrifices military family members make when loved ones serve abroad, and we’re proud to help make it a little bit easier for families to stay connected over the holidays.

    At this time, Google Voice and calling in Gmail are available in the U.S. only.

    Posted by Michael Bolognino, Product Marketing Manager
All things Google Voice!
All things Google Voice!