1. One of the great parts of working on the Google Voice team is that we get to hear about all the interesting, productive, and fun ways you take advantage of Google Voice. Sometimes we hear from students who love the cost savings of the service, and other times we hear from professionals or families who tell us that Google Voice has helped them manage their busy lives.

    We recently heard that the folks at the FX Network put Google Voice to use in quite a unique way by giving fans of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia & The League a creative way to interact with their favorite shows.

    Each show has a dedicated Google Voice number that fans can call and leave a voicemail to sound off about their favorite (and least favorite) characters, episodes and storylines.

    A handful of lucky fans’ voicemails get selected by the FX team and are featured on the site for all to hear.

    Posted by Michael Bolognino, Product Marketing Manager
All things Google Voice!
All things Google Voice!