If you’ve called your Google number to listen to your voicemail over the last couple days, you may have noticed that things sounded a bit different. The new voice that’s greeting you is Kiki Baessell, a fellow Googler with a friendly voice who helped us record new automatic voice messages. When she’s not helping us out, she spends her days fighting spam and abuse in Google’s consumer products.

Kiki has absolutely no experience doing professional voiceover, which is exactly why we picked her — we wanted a pleasant, familiar voice that we wouldn’t mind listening to each time we called to check voicemail.

A little over a year ago, we released an early preview of Google Voice, our web-based platform for managing your communications. We introduced one number to ring all your phones, voicemail that works like email, free calls and text messages to the U.S. and Canada, low-priced international calls and more—the only catch was you had to request and receive an invite to try it out. Today, after lots of testing and tweaking, we’re excited to open up Google Voice to the public, no invitation required.
All things Google Voice!
All things Google Voice!