1. Google Voice makes it easier for people to reach you by only having to call one number that rings all your phones. But sometimes you don’t want to be reached -- like if you’re in a meeting or watching a movie. To help you in these situations, you can enable the Do Not Disturb setting to send all callers straight to voicemail.

    This setting can be toggled on or off from the Settings menu or by calling your Google Voice number. And starting this week, you can set a timer so that it only remains active for a set period of time.

    We’re excited to continue to give you more control over your communications. As always, if you have suggestions for future improvements, please tell us!

    Posted by Anthony Jawad, Software Engineer
  2. Ah, remember the days when you’d be in the middle of leaving a voicemail and suddenly hear an unexpected beep to indicate you had run out of time for that message? Or when you’d return from vacation only to find your voicemail box was full and friends weren’t able to get through to leave messages for days?

    Experiences like these were stripped from voicemail users across the country as a result of Google Voice. And, to be honest, some people on the team have started to miss these rituals of yonder years. Today, we take a first step in restoring people’s right to pager integration, unexpected beeps, caps on the number of messages that can be received, and more, in a feature we are calling Standard Voicemail ModeTM.

    Standard Voicemail ModeTM brings your voicemail back to something reminiscent of 1997, with features like:
    • Automatic voicemail deletion: messages will be deleted automatically after 14 days
    • Numeric keypad access: access to voicemail will only be available via your phone
    • Beeper interoperability: your beeper will be paged every time a voicemail is left
    • Message maximums: store a maximum of 10 messages at any given time
    • Numeric page: people leaving you voicemails will be given the option to send a numeric page
    To try Standard Voicemail ModeTM for yourself, select “Enable Standard Voicemail Mode” under Settings:

    And for more information, visit google.com/googlevoice/standard_voicemail.html.

    Posted by Jason Toff, Google Voice team
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All things Google Voice!