1. Today we are launching a new Google Voice mobile web app for iPhone OS 3.0 and higher and Palm Web OS devices, harnessing the power of HTML5, a new web technology that makes it possible to run faster, richer web-based applications right in the browser.

    In addition to letting you access a streamlined version of your Google Voice inbox, the new web app also lets you display your Google Voice number as the outbound caller ID (so return calls come back to your Google Voice number), send and receive text messages for free, and place international calls at Google Voice's low rates.

    To get started, visit m.google.com/voice in your mobile browser. For quick access, don't forget to create a shortcut to this URL on your home screen or Palm Launcher.

    Just a reminder: you'll need a Google Voice account and a voice plan on your cell phone to place calls using this web app. Don't have a Google Voice account? Request an invite.

    Posted by Michael van Ouwerkerk, Software Engineer
  2. With today's official release of Google Chrome extensions comes a new & improved Google Voice extension that gives you easier access to many Google Voice features:

    - See how many new messages you have.
    Think of it as a message waiting light for your computer that lets you know when you have new voicemail or text messages waiting for you.

    - View the most recent messages in your inbox. Clicking on the extension button gives you access to your most recent voicemail and text messages. You can read your voicemail transcripts and will soon be able to play messages right from that window.

    - Quickly call or text any number
    . Click on the "Call" or "SMS" buttons to easily call or text for free anyone by just typing their name or phone number. Since the extension is connected to your Google address book, you can just type any name from your address book, without having to remember their number. You can also benefit from Google Voice's low rates when calling any international number.

    - Click any phone number on a web page to start a call. If you're looking for a phone number online, nothing is more annoying than having to physically type it on the phone to place the call. With the Google Voice Chrome extension installed, you can just click on any phone number on any web page and select the phone you want to dial from and you will be connected right away.

    To try it out, install the Google Voice extension. If you don't already use Google Chrome, you can download it here.

    Posted by Brian Peterson, Software Engineer
  3. When it comes to voicemail, Google Voice is all about saving you time. We transcribe your voicemails so hopefully you don't need to listen to them, we send notifications via email and SMS notifications so you know when you have new messages, we even let you listen in as callers leave you messages so you can decide if the call is urgent before picking up.

    To make voicemail even easier, today, we implemented two changes in the way you listen to voicemails through your phone.

    First, when you dial your own Google Voice number, we now begin playing your voicemails without the need to press 1 anymore. Since listening to voicemail is the most common reason people call their own numbers, we thought it made sense to save you an extra step. All the other options will still be available from the menu, but if you don't select any other option, your voicemail messages will be played automatically.

    Second, we now play your voicemails starting with the most recent, rather than the oldest. This way, if you've received several messages from the same caller, you'll hear the most recent update before the outdated voicemail.

    We hope you like those improvements and, as always, we welcome your feedback.

    Posted by John Rector, Software Engineer
  4. It's impossible to watch the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake without wondering how one can contribute in helping the thousands of families who lost everything in this disaster.

    Google set up a disaster relief page, which includes information and resources for anyone interested in helping out, and the Google Voice team also wanted to respond in our own way.

    Particularly in the wake of such a catastrophe, for people in the US who have family in Haiti, it is critical to stay in constant contact with your loved ones, provide moral comfort, and offer daily updates to friends and family in Haiti.

    To help those families, we're offering free calling to Haiti through Google Voice for the next two weeks. To place a call using Google Voice, use the Click2Call button on the website, the Google Voice mobile app, or dial your own Google Voice number and press 2 to place an outbound call.

    Posted by the Google Voice team
  5. We're excited to see today's launch of Nexus One, particularly since Google Voice is one of the pre-installed apps on the phone. This is the latest version of the Google Voice mobile app we released for Blackberry and Android-powered phones last July.

    Google Voice comes pre-installed on Nexus One phones sold in the United States. Existing Google Voice users can log-in and access their voicemail messages right away, while new users can set up Google voicemail as an alternative to their carrier's voicemail.

    With the Google Voice mobile app, you can receive free voicemail transcriptions and play messages in the order you want. A karaoke-style interface lets you easily replay any part of a message, without needing to listen to the whole voicemail. You can also place international calls via Google Voice and enjoy Google Voice's low rates from your Nexus One.

    Last but not least, the app is synchronized with the web, so you can access and listen to all your voicemail messages from any computer by simply logging in to www.google.com/voice.

    If you're already using Google Voice and have a Google phone number, you can display this number as the caller ID on outbound calls. Additionally, you can send and receive text messages using the Google Voice app for free.

    To learn more about the app, visit m.google.com/voice. And for more on the Nexus One, visit google.com/phone. As always, we welcome your feedback on how to improve Google Voice.

    Posted by Christian Brunschen and Jacob Hesch, Software Engineers
All things Google Voice!
All things Google Voice!