When it comes to voicemail, Google Voice is all about saving you time. We transcribe your voicemails so hopefully you don't need to listen to them, we send notifications via email and SMS notifications so you know when you have new messages, we even let you listen in as callers leave you messages so you can decide if the call is urgent before picking up.
To make voicemail even easier, today, we implemented two changes in the way you listen to voicemails through your phone.
First, when you dial your own Google Voice number, we now begin playing your voicemails without the need to press 1 anymore. Since listening to voicemail is the most common reason people call their own numbers, we thought it made sense to save you an extra step. All the other options will still be available from the menu, but if you don't select any other option, your voicemail messages will be played automatically.
Second, we now play your voicemails starting with the most recent, rather than the oldest. This way, if you've received several messages from the same caller, you'll hear the most recent update before the outdated voicemail.
We hope you like those improvements and, as always, we welcome your feedback.
Posted by John Rector, Software Engineer
Thanks for all of your feedback on last week's Hangouts launch. We just posted an update on Google Voice and Hangouts on Google+.