Google Voice automatically transcribes voicemail messages so you can get a sense of what messages are about without needing to listen to them. The automated process sometimes works great, sometimes not so well. But we're committed to making it better.
When someone sends you an SMS to your Google Voice number, that message not only goes into your inbox online, but we also forward it out to all of your mobile phones (assuming you told us you wanted to receive SMS messages on those phones).
Today we're pleased to announce we've acquired Gizmo5, a company that provides Internet-based calling software for mobile phones and computers.
Military families face dozens of challenges every day. The life of a military spouse and a military family is never easy. It's a life of sacrifice and patience, but it's also one of pride and patriotism.
There were some conflicting reports yesterday about Google Voice voicemails being searchable online, so we wanted to clarify how Google Voice works.
Google Voice lets you access your voicemails online from your inbox.
Google Voice lets you access your voicemails online from your inbox.
When we launched Google Voice, we offered free calling to the continental US. We've just expanded this to all 50 states by adding free calling to Alaska and Hawaii.
In addition to making free long distance calls within the continental US, you can now call Canada for free through Google Voice.
Voicemail transcription is a popular feature of Google Voice. Having the ability to receive a transcript of a new voicemail by email or SMS and get a quick idea of what a voicemail is about, saves you time in deciding which voicemails are worth listening to.
It is hard enough to keep in touch with family and friends, but imagine being half-way around the world in a place like Iraq with limited access to telephones…or having to move and change your phone number every couple years.
Your Google Voice number is tied to you rather than a device or a location, so it stays with you as you move, change jobs, or switch phone companies.
Numbers are important. Whether it is a time to meet, a phone number to call, or an amount of money, catching a number correctly is a big deal.
In an effort to help you spend more time with your family and friends, we have recently released two features designed to help you be productive when using Google Voice:
1. Keyboard shortcuts.
1. Keyboard shortcuts.
Since Google Voice is about letting you easily manage your communications, we wanted to give you various ways to organize your inbox. Besides the option to only display unread messages, you now have the ability to archive messages.
Among the GrandCentral features that we have carried over to Google Voice, is the ability to tag a caller as spam.
We have received several questions about what happens to GrandCentral accounts after upgrading to Google Voice.
Although no new call/voicemail will show up in the GrandCentral account, you can keep accessing your GrandCentral voicemails, call log and address book even after you have upgraded.
Although no new call/voicemail will show up in the GrandCentral account, you can keep accessing your GrandCentral voicemails, call log and address book even after you have upgraded.
Hello GrandCentral (and soon to be Google Voice) users:
We have started the upgrade process, and are rolling the service out to new users on an ongoing basis. When your account is ready to upgrade, you will notice an "Upgrade" message at the top of your GrandCentral inbox.
We have started the upgrade process, and are rolling the service out to new users on an ongoing basis. When your account is ready to upgrade, you will notice an "Upgrade" message at the top of your GrandCentral inbox.