Google Voice for Newbies: Custom Greetings
This week, I'd like to talk about a Google Voice feature some of you may not have heard about: custom greetings. With custom greetings, you're able to record personalized voicemail greetings that only play to a specific group of people or to an individual. This feature is completely optional, but once you use it, you may realize how helpful and fun it can be.
Instructions for creating a basic custom greeting can be found in the Google Voice Help Center, along with tips for recording custom greetings for "different groups or individuals in your contact list.".
I'll give you examples of how I'm using custom greetings, but these are just a few ideas -- perhaps you'll be able to think of other creative ways to take advantage of custom greetings.
Instructions for creating a basic custom greeting can be found in the Google Voice Help Center, along with tips for recording custom greetings for "different groups or individuals in your contact list.".
I'll give you examples of how I'm using custom greetings, but these are just a few ideas -- perhaps you'll be able to think of other creative ways to take advantage of custom greetings.