This week, I'd like to talk about a Google Voice feature some of you may not have heard about: custom greetings. With custom greetings, you're able to record personalized voicemail greetings that only play to a specific group of people or to an individual. This feature is completely optional, but once you use it, you may realize how helpful and fun it can be.

Instructions for creating a basic custom greeting can be found in the Google Voice Help Center, along with tips for recording custom greetings for "different groups or individuals in your contact list.".

I'll give you examples of how I'm using custom greetings, but these are just a few ideas -- perhaps you'll be able to think of other creative ways to take advantage of custom greetings.

General default: "Hi, I can't get to the phone right now, so please leave your name and a message. If you don't leave a message, I probably won't return your call. Thanks."

Friends: "I might be in, I might be out. Leave a message and you might find out!

Grandparents-who-only-speak-Chinese: "爺爺奶奶你們好。對不起我現在不能接電話。請給我留言,我等會兒給你們打回來。謝謝!"

I can also imagine custom greetings being incredibly useful if you own a business. You can have a "professional" greeting associated to your business contacts and perhaps some important business partners would even have a custom greeting that includes emergency contact information.

Now that you have a bit more insight on custom greetings, be creative and record yours today. If you encounter any issues, search first to see if another user reported it in the Google Voice Help Forum; if you don't see the issue, ask users for help in the Problem Solving section of the forum.

If there are other features you'd like to see in Google Voice, please leave your suggestion on the Google Voice Suggestions page.

Posted by Carol and Heather

Thanks for all of your feedback on last week's Hangouts launch. We just posted an update on Google Voice and Hangouts on Google+.

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All things Google Voice!