In an effort to help you spend more time with your family and friends, we have recently released two features designed to help you be productive when using Google Voice:

1. Keyboard shortcuts.
If you like to keep your hands on the keyboard, you now only need one or two keystrokes to access the most common actions:
c: quick call
m: quick sms
right arrow: next page
left arrow: previous page
g then h: go to history
The full list of shortcuts can be accessed here.

2. Search Operators.
Need help searching through your message history? Use search operators for a more efficient search. Here are a few examples:
- type "from:nick" or "from:4085555555" in your search box to find all messages from one caller
- type "message:restaurant" to find all voicemail transcripts and SMS where the word restaurant is mentioned
The full list of search operators can be accessed here.

Thanks for all of your feedback on last week's Hangouts launch. We just posted an update on Google Voice and Hangouts on Google+.

All things Google Voice!
All things Google Voice!