Hello GrandCentral (and soon to be Google Voice) users:
We have started the upgrade process, and are rolling the service out to new users on an ongoing basis. When your account is ready to upgrade, you will notice an "Upgrade" message at the top of your GrandCentral inbox.
Once you choose to upgrade, you will automatically get all the great new features (transcription, SMS, conference calling, cheap international calling, Goog411 integration, etc.), and new voicemail and SMS messages will begin appearing in your Google Voice inbox.
After you upgrade, any new voicemail messages will appear in your inbox at www.google.com/voice, and all of your prior voicemail messages will still be available through your GrandCentral account at www.grandcentral.com.
After the upgrade you should go to your "Settings" tab and do the following:
1. Re-record your voicemail greeting
2. Re-record your user name (callers hear this the first time they call you if Screening is on)
We have started the upgrade process, and are rolling the service out to new users on an ongoing basis. When your account is ready to upgrade, you will notice an "Upgrade" message at the top of your GrandCentral inbox.
Once you choose to upgrade, you will automatically get all the great new features (transcription, SMS, conference calling, cheap international calling, Goog411 integration, etc.), and new voicemail and SMS messages will begin appearing in your Google Voice inbox.
After you upgrade, any new voicemail messages will appear in your inbox at www.google.com/voice, and all of your prior voicemail messages will still be available through your GrandCentral account at www.grandcentral.com.
After the upgrade you should go to your "Settings" tab and do the following:
1. Re-record your voicemail greeting
2. Re-record your user name (callers hear this the first time they call you if Screening is on)
3. Select any custom settings you want (display caller ID, screening on/off, etc.)
If you want to move your contacts from GrandCentral to Google Voice, here are some instructions on how to do that. If you have any group or contact specific settings or any WebCall buttons (now called "Call Widgets") you will need to re-create those as well.
We hope you enjoy the new Google Voice service!
We hope you enjoy the new Google Voice service!